Olivier Kissita - Master Filmmaker in the Making

Olivier Kissita - Master Filmmaker in the Making

You can only be a jack of all trades if you have talent…

Olivier Kissita wears several hats, he is an actor, director, moderator and model. Of French nationality, Olivier is of Guadeloupean and Congolese origin. Olivier's passion for martial arts and Hip-Hop led him to perform and participate in international competitions to show his talent.

His debut as an actor was marked by television series, movies, live shows and a Youtube channel. Over the last few years, Olivier has directed more than seven short, medium and feature films, including 10 Years, YouTuber, The Art of Sex War, Qu'on Arrete, Nous En Vrai and Les 7 Boules de Freestyle. He has written stories such as 10 Years, YouTuber, Qu'on Arrete and The What Man Show.

In the live below, on instagram, Olivier responded to his fans’ questions. He was also kind enough to answer Djellibah's questions below.

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Olivier is promoting his latest film, The Art of Gender Wars, of which he is the director, screenwriter and main actor. The film takes place during what was supposed to be a lovely evening between two couples, but things get hairy when skeletons start to come out of the closet. Here are a few more details from the maestro himself.


Source of inspiration?

I am inspired by what I see in my daily life. I have already worked on the internet, violence, racism, social networks... This time I wanted to address the theme of gender equality and women's struggles. A very contemporary subject, but at the same time one that has always been topical. So by taking inspiration from the stories I've already heard, what you see in the media and my personal experiences, I had fun writing this screenplay. When I see the wonderful feedback on the film, I think it's not too bad 😊!!


Why this topic?

As I was saying, it's a very contemporary subject, but at the same time it's always been relevant. Moreover, there is still work to be done to move towards real gender equality and even just equity. So, in my opinion, a film that asks questions about all this is always wise. In addition, I address other broader themes, at the same time, such as: love, couples, lies, and is every truth good to tell? ...


Do you prefer being a director or actor?

I think the director's job is more crucial.

In general, and especially for Africa, you need intelligent directors to create beautiful films, especially when you know the power of images.

The actor is also indispensable, but he must remain at the service of the film, whereas the director is a bit like the conductor of an orchestra.

Filmmaker's dream?

My dream would be to create a big film studio in Africa. A bit like Tyler Perry.

 Olivier Kissita answers the

Djellibah Questions

1-What is your Dream for Africa?

I wish Africa justice.

Its development and its place in the world should be equal to its incredible and exclusive wealth.

My dream would be to let it take its rightful place.

2- If you didn’t have to work a day in your life, what would you do, Where would you go and What would you create?

If I don't work, it's means I'm ultra riche😂!!

With this money, I would create institutions whose goal would be to reduce inequalities, eradicate injustices in Africa and beyond. I would be in charity, a true philanthropist.

3- What would you like to say to young creators who don’t know where to start?

We are living in a wonderful time: internet access, affordable production costs compared to a few years ago, interest in Africa from all over the world and in all fields: culture, music, fashion, history...

We must not wait, we must do, create, train as we can and as best we can. We must also think network and not hesitate to make concessions if we are really passionate! But beware, in all things, excess is fatal!

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