Djellibah is a bilingual digital catalog with the aim of propulsing African creators currently active on the continent.
In a time where consumption is becoming a more conscious phenomenon, this platform offers information on art, culture, news, fashion and film, from the continent, in the form of an expansive catalog exploring the depth of our beautiful home’s creativity.

How it Started

It started with stories...
A passion for stories, a passion for film but ultimately, a passion for Africa...
It started with the stories that were never told, the ones that had never been, and those spawned from imagination.
And then it evolved.
It evolved when we realized that our Africa is full of stories that we do not know.
Quests for success that go undocumented and changemakers that are silenced by their environment just because...
We have made that mistake in the past; not documenting our stories. It’s a sin.
It is the reason why our oral traditions have not been able to record our legendary kings, in undisputable detail. Today, we must not repeat the mistakes of the past.
Today, we write.
Today, we film.
Today we share.
Welcome to the platform dedicated to the African creators adding value to our continent through passion, sheer determination and courageous journeys.

Welcome to Djellibah.

Our in-house authors: